Not Just For Bodybuilding: 5 Reasons Why Everyone Should Add Strength Training To Their Workout

Not Just For Bodybuilding: 5 Reasons Why Everyone Should Add Strength Training To Their Workout

Sep 28, 2016 • By Jenny Abouobaia • 0 Comments • 173 Views
Many people (especially women) tend to shy away from strength training. We all see it time and time again. That person who decides they want to get fit, they are going to commit to the gym. Unfortunately, not everyone can afford to use a personal trainer so they think “I want to lose weight, but I don’t want to bulk up”. Then they go to the gym a few times a week and what do they do? Run and run and run. That’s it.
But the fact is strength training is not just for bodybuilding. Picking up a dumbbell is incredibly beneficial for everyone, in particular those looking to achieve weight loss goals. “Bulking up” from strength training is a huge misconception that too many people have, meaning they miss out on the plethora of benefits it has to offer, many of which are the key to overall health and fitness. So read on to find out exactly why everyone should add strength training into their workout.

#1 Manage Weight Effectively

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If you are looking to workout to lose weight, one of the best places to start is with strength training. The more muscle you have, the more pounds you shred. Increasing lean muscle mass will assist you in burning calories more efficiently and not only in the gym. Weight training can also help you to burn more calories in general daily life.

#2 Preserve Muscle Mass

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Without even thinking about increasing muscle mass from strength training, it is important to think about maintaining the current muscle you already have. Like a lot of things, muscle naturally diminishes as we get older. Therefore, strength training will help you preserve muscle mass.

#3 Improve Bone Health
Muscle is not the only thing we lose as we age. Both men and women lose bone density every year, however, due to hormonal changes this affects women most. This can lead to developing diseases such as osteoporosis. Regular strength training can aid the development of strong bones as well as help to slow bone deterioration.  

#4 Disease Prevention

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Numerous studies have shown the vast amount of wellness benefits associated with strength training. Research suggests that strength training can be as beneficial to arthritis pain as medication. As well as improving glucose control in sufferers of type 2 diabetes.

#5 Reduces Risk of Injury
When you participate in strength training you not only build strong muscles but also improve the health of ligaments and tendons. This supports your joints and aids balance and coordination.


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